Table of Contents

Evaluation metrics and train/dev/test set

Using a single metric evaluation metric

Precision (% of examples recognized as class 1, were class 1) Recall (% of actual class1 were correctly identified)

Problem: Not sure which classifiers are better (due to tradeoff) Solution: New Measure which combines both (F1 Score): Harmonic mean $2/((1/p)+(1/r))$, or in general average

Use Dev set + single number evaluation metric to speed-up iterative improvement

Metric tradeoffs

Maximize accuracy, subject to runningTime ⇐ 100ms

N metrics: 1 optimizing, N-1 satisficing (reaching some threshold)

Train/Dev/Test set

Dev set / holdout set: Try ideas on dev set

Goal: Train and esp. dev and test set should come from same distribution

Solution: Random shuffle (or stratified sample)


Change dev/test set and metric

Change metric, if rank ordering isn't “right”

One solution: Use weights for certain errors

Two steps:

  1. Place the target (eval metric)
  2. How to shoot at target (how to optimize metric)

E.g. high quality images in dev/test set, user upload low quality images. ⇒ change metric and/or dev/test set

Human level performance

Bayes optimal error (best optimal error)

Human level error could be used as an estimate for Bayes error (e.g. in Computer Vision)

What's human-level error? Best performance possible as a human / usefullness

Measure of error between Human Error, Train Error and Dev error