Table of Contents


Scalable language


Hello World

object HelloWorld {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    println("Hello, world!")

Control structures

if/else-Constructs have a return value

for loop

for (i <- 1 to 10) println(i)
// different steps
for (i <- 4 to (17,3)) println(i)
// other data types than int
for (s <- myList) println(s)
// multiple generators
for (i <- 0 to 2; j <- 3 to 4) println(i+" "+j)
// filter
    for {i <- 1 to 6         
         j <- 1 to 6
         if (i % 2 == 0)
         if (j % 2 != 0)} println(i+" "+j)
// yield
    val list: List[Int] = List(1,2,3,4)
    val result = for (i <- list) yield i * 2


Implizites break

val iValue = 3
iValue match{
  case 1 => println("one")
  case _ => println("empty")

Singleton objects

There are no static methods/vars in scala and singleton objects can't be constructed using a constructor with new.

object ScalaObject {
  val b = 5
  def test(a: Double) : Double = {
    3.* + b 

Companion object

Prerequisite: object and class have the same name and are defined in the same file. Companion objects can access their private variables. Singleton objects without companion clases are standalone objects.

Case classes

case class Person (firstName : String, lastName : String, age : Int){
  def isAdult : Boolean = if (age >= 18) true else false


Scala doesn't support multiple inheritance.

class B(arg:Int) extends A {}

Functions can be overridden with overide before func definition.

Overridding classes, functions or variables can be forbidden with prefix final.

Abstract classes

Difference to Traits: Abstract classes can have constructors. A class which inherits from an abstract class can't inherit from another.

The usage of override is optional.

Packages object

Objects which are visible in a whole package.

Identity and equality

==-Operator checks equality (identity in Java) eq-Operator checks identity

eq and ne are only defined for clases of type scala.AnyRef.

Learning sources